Thursday, October 19, 2006

Time to get personal

So, now that I'm really trying to take this blog somewhere, I suppose it's time I ditched the very serious tone and just said 'Hello'. Blogs generally work better when the writer has at least a smidgen of personality, and writing about film in a very professional manner is only really suitable when you're an actual professional. What I'm doing is more testing the waters, and putting a little more effort into an underdeveloped interest. If you want an example of doing this well, look no further than South Dakota Dark, 'owned' by the mutli-talented Todd VanDerWerff. (Incidentally, one of the contributors there is David Sims, who aside from television criticism sometimes fills the role of brother, to me.)

Recently, in my blogging research, I've come across some truly interesting writers with geniunely interesting stuff to say. Everyone's aim when writing, even in the most casual of ways, is to find a voice; and although there's not exactly an abudance of great ones on the 'net, there's a fair few. So I somehow feel obligated to say that I have no great confidence that I do know what I'm talking about. Film, theatre, TV, life...few can accurately and succinctly sum up such arts in a handfull of paragraphs. All I know is, I'm interested. And so long as I have a geniune interest in writing and a desire to improve, who's to stop me? Like I say, I'm testing the waters, and they feel somewhat inviting.

Up next, then, is an overview of the first season of Entourage. A Marie Antoinette review should follow, and an analysis of A Good Year (opening early here in the UK, although those reviews effectively deny me any bragging rights) may also pop up if I can find anyone interested in seeing it. I'm also considering reviews of (when I see them) The Departed, The Prestige and Borat. Basically I'll go with whatever I feel like. Whatever distracts me from my mountains of work is thumbs up material on my end.


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