Saturday, December 31, 2005

"Give us free!"

A Spielberg movie which harks more to Schindler's List and Munich than others, Amistad concerns the slave ship 'La Amistad', which fell to a slave revolt but ultimately was brought back to American soil. The main bulk of the story concerns the subsequent trial of the slaves, fascinating partly because it concerned who had ownership of the slaves as much as it does their civil rights.

One of Spielberg's lesser known masterworks, Amistad is an extermely underrated film, no doubt over-shadowed by the juggernaut that was Titanic. It features terrific performances from Matthew McCounaughey, Morgan Freeman, Anthony Hopkins and especially Djimon Honsou, heartbreaking as Cinque, a man taken from his family by his own people and sold into slavery. Spielberg makes as good a job as possible of communicating the horror of the journey the slaves went through, a detail of history which could never be completely accurately shown on screen.


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